A dominant man is a true believer in himself. He isn’t swayed by others. He’s an expert on every aspect of his life.
He’s secure. He doesn’t cling to people and situations. He’s not materialistic or superficial. His sense of security is rooted in self-sufficiency. He’s emotionally grounded. He doesn’t seek validation from others.
Develop self-awareness.
Everything about you must begin and end with you. Never defer to others. If necessary, stand alone from the crowd, be the contrary voice. Don’t apologize or make excuses. Let your internal strength guide you.
Your dominance is found in silence. When you are a quiet observer of your life, your thoughts and feelings, clarity will emerge. You will see and know what is correct for you and start making conscious choices about how you want to live.
True self-help.
Here is a secret about self-help books and why people fail.
Most self-help books offer practical information for achieving goals. These usually include tactics and strategies for organizing your life in such a way that success seems assured.
However, books can’t give you the unrelenting drive, the red-hot passion and unwavering focus, necessary for making your dreams a reality.
Only you can overcome obstacles, push through rejections and believe in yourself when haunted by doubt. Most people retreat when facing adversity. By cultivating a dominant mind frame, you will persevere until the job gets done.
Be a powerhouse.
You are what you’re seeking.
Stop looking for support. Turn your questions inward. You can admire how a person handles a situation, but don’t try to be that person. Look for the success principals the person is using. Then apply them to your efforts.
Motivate yourself. Take full responsibility for every aspect of your well-being. No one cares if you’re successful or not – nor should they.
Be a beast that can’t be tamed or controlled, an unstoppable force programmed for success.
Don’t hold back.
Success is your right!
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