The bitch-made man is loathsome, a true snake.
I’m sure you’ve dealt with him, we all have. But he must be avoided or kept at arms-length. He’s a destroyer, without remorse.
This is how you’ll identify him:
He lives in fear.
He can never be trusted.
He’s your sworn enemy, because you’re masculine.
He’s feminine at heart (don’t let his macho front fool you).
He’s emasculated.
He gossips, badmouthing both sexes.
He’s an instigator, a true Iago.
He supplicates to women.
He’s arrogant, narcissistic and delusional.
He’ll front hard to be your friend, to get close and discover your weaknesses.
He’s a snitch.
He’s emotional, reacting like a child when things don’t go his way.
He’ll betray you because it’s his nature.
Deal with him at your peril.
Watch the bitch-made man closely. He is extremely devious, and will use all manner of deception to fortify his position. Although, hypocrisy usually reveals the nature of his schemes.
This definition of a psychopath accurately describes a bitch-made man:
“Psychopaths, in general, have a hard time forming real emotional attachments with others. Instead, they form artificial, shallow relationships designed to be manipulated in a way that most benefits the psychopath. People are seen as pawns to be used to forward the psychopath’s goals. Psychopaths rarely feel guilt regarding any of their behaviors, no matter how much they hurt others.”
“But psychopaths can often be seen by others as being charming and trustworthy, holding steady, normal jobs. Some even have families and seemingly-loving relationships with a partner. While they tend to be well-educated, they may also have learned a great deal on their own.”
The bitch-made man is the opposite of everything you’re about. You’re powerful, moving forward, realizing your potential. He’s a parasite that dupes and uses the unsuspecting. Therefore, he fears and hates you. Why? Because, he wants to be you.
Your best defense is to ignore him!
In fact, give all fools shade. It’s one of the best decisions you can make.
Stay strong.
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After loosely reading definitions from searching a word not often used, but will every time it is appropriate, my findings did not come close to the meaning and/ or use of the word BitchMade until now. Thank you for this “well said” definition and description for what it is to be bitch made. None other even came close to the understanding that I have except you. This concludes that unfortunately because of this there has been suffering in our life by the presence of bitch made people. Not to be mistook for weakness because it takes people like us to run bitch made people away.