What I’m about to say might sound contrary to what this blog’s about, but I must keep it real with you.
Fact: there are no keys to success.
That’s right. No book or program will suddenly make you global and put millions in your bank account.
I know, they’ve been times when you got profound insight from an article or quote. But let’s be honest. How did that information work out for you? Is your business sky-rocking and finances off the charts?
I didn’t think so.
Years ago, when in the throes of my “search for success,” I discovered that self-help is just that, helping the people that sell you products get rich.
Don’t feel bad, you’re weren’t the only one taken in by slick salesmen.
In fact, they’re just like you, trying to make a profit.
But the difference between you and them is that they knew what they wanted.
While you were reading books, sitting in classes, and nursing your process of addiction, they were putting their plans into action.
You never considered that your search, expecting other people to solve your problems, assured your failure.
No one can help you become a success if you don’t really believe that you can. It’s just that simple. That’s why most achievers don’t adhere to accepted dogmas or popular trends.
The self-help concepts you’ve bought into are designed to hook you and keep your spending, that’s all.
The only secret to success is this (which actually isn’t a surprise); if you really want something, get off your butt and go get it. If you’re serious, you’ll find a way to make it happen.
Anything else is fantasy, and successful people don’t buy dreams, they sell them.
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