HomeManhoodG's Philosophy

G’s Philosophy

G's Philosophy Article ImageI am responsible for every aspect of my existence.
I cannot blame others if things do not work out for me.
Rather than adopting a victim mentality, I am self-aware and let my internal process resolve issues and return balance to my life.
I do not succumb to the programming of individuals or social institutions.
I find my own way, developing personal and independent concepts about life and how I live it.
I always choose awareness and growth, never becoming a follower or sublimating my talents and desires.
Anything that impedes my ability to live freely, and embrace all that life has to offer, must be removed.
Now is all there is and I experience each moment, every day. There is no tomorrow, or waiting for the hereafter to get my “rewards.” It’s all right here.
Therefore, I accept fear but reject doubt, along with trying to save something for later.
I disavow the concepts of finding the “one,” forever and settling down. These are control mechanisms designed to neutralize a man’s instinct to progress, be the greatest he can be – a God on earth!
Wake up! It’s time to Live!


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