It’s Chess Not Checkers (Book Excerpt)

Life’s a game.
If you don’t understand this basic premise, failure and misery will be your fate.
Playing the game to win starts with getting in touch with yourself, which means a heavy dose of critical thinking. This process manifests in being street smart.
The square mind doesn’t get it.
The masses are controlled by social customs and traditions. They’re followers with no identity. However, some individuals are deluded, believing they’re leaders. While in reality, they’re still playing someone else’s game.
Whether it’s celebrating holidays or working a job, people are desperate to fit in. They want security. But you can never be free following others. Never!
Truly smart people, which has nothing to do with school, but everything to do with confidence, common sense and intuition, are leaders.
They may not always be out there, seeking attention, but you better believe they’re behind the scenes doing their thing, connecting the dots, and have a deep understanding of how structures work and how to use this knowledge to their advantage.
This is how things are done in the real world.
But don’t try to discuss this reality with random people. Trust me, their neediness is so great they won’t get it. In fact, they might even fight you on it.
Learning and applying game is a personal and profound experience if you are open to the truth. Don’t try to make things more than what they are; accept things as you find them.
Most people are too emotional to achieve this level of understanding. That’s why they get played. (Yes, this includes going to a job every day enriching someone else.) But they will never see it this way.
In fact, they’re dedicated to their captors, brainwashed and obedient, taking whatever they’re given. This is called being well-adjusted and civilized. You see, unchecked emotions keep people mentally locked down and set up for abuse.
Further, people can’t see beyond their own needs, which keep them in an infantile state. They don’t ascend to adulthood, which enables a person to deal with truth. Desires coupled with fantasy keep them wishing and hoping.
But if you’re serious about stepping up your game, you must get real. This starts with turning a critical eye to everything you were raised to believe by conformist caregivers.
All your early programming was designed to make you average, to suppress your desires.
You were led to believe that self-determination is wrong, and independence meant you’d be isolated, unemployable and headed for a life of frustration and struggle. A real hell on earth – right?
It’s going to take a lot of reflection for you to overcome the controls poured into your brain. It won’t be easy. But it can be done, I know this for a fact.
You must be dedicated to improving your life, being the best you can be, and taking control over your reality. No one can do this but you, and they’re no shortcuts.
Everything we desire starts with us. It is our responsibility to create for ourselves the lives we want, the happiness that we seek.
But if your self-assessment is skewed, then everything is off. Your perceptions are distorted, and the input you receive from the world is not accurately processed. Therefore, your decision making ability is impaired.
This is why people are not successful. They simply cannot see themselves realistically, and are hampered by fantasies, illusions, escapist thoughts and random impulses.
Consequently, they cannot identify their real problem – themselves, and obviously can’t correct it.
You’ve been warned.
This post is a modified excerpt from Gary’s new book Take No Prisoners: The Hardcore Truth About Manhood Get Real! Or Get Whipped!
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