Most of the pitfalls and setbacks we encounter as adults are due to our upbringing.
This assessment isn’t unique, or particularly insightful. (It’s just obvious.)
Nor is it a general indictment of caregivers, but simply denotes a lack of understanding.
You see, our shortcomings today are because we overlooked the little things.
We were not held to clear standards that instill responsibility and build character (e.g. doing chores or mastering school work).
At crucial times, we could quit because a task was difficult.
It was never explained to us that life is difficult, and there is no other viable reality.
I’m sure your loved ones meant well when they abetted your giving up on a talent or skill. But maybe it wasn’t about your ability. Possibly your focus could have been righted by a vigilant role model who offered criticism and encouragement.
You’ll never know how far you could have gone back then.
Because when things got tough, you checked out and were maybe even rewarded for just “trying.”
But where did it get you? What kind of person have you become?
I know…
Today you can apathetically walk away from a challenging job or relationship while settling for “ideal” situations that actually diminish your character and numb your spirit.
Conveniently your laziness is masked by social/emotional excuses because some so-called expert has validated your feelings.
Yes, it’s easy to never become the person you were meant to be.
Too easy…
But then, you’re probably so busy avoiding the truth, you’ve never imagined your life any other way.
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