Men Are Ignorant About Women And Sex, Learn The Truth

The other day I saw two dusty dudes hollering at women they stood no chance with. It made me think about how sad some men are. Even men that have women.
When a man wants validation from a woman, he’s doomed.
Seeking approval from women comes in various forms; chasing, trying to get attention, supplicating, or just wanting a woman. It’s all simping.
I’m in another place with this. I don’t know if it’s my age or maturity (probably both), but I don’t want anything to have power over me.
I have learned from experience, sometimes banging my head into it many times, that wanting something from others leads to suffering. The only remedy to this is that you must be self-sufficient, and able to sit alone taking care of your needs. If not, the more you need from others, the worse the pain gets.
I have also found that when it comes to sex men are lost.
Desire weakens guys. The very thought of “getting some” will have guys all over the place, let alone when they deal with a woman and succumb to the games she runs. The need for female validation leads them astray, from the path of fulfillment and self-power.
A lot of guys didn’t get the basics about life when growing up. I sure didn’t.
We chase dreams for years (maybe our entire lives) no matter how unrealistic, like looking for Ms. Right, something that doesn’t exist. This is why the manosphere posits men are more romantic than women. Dudes cling hard to fantasies, whereas women know the truth about themselves.
After broken hearts and lost promise, you would think guys would get it. (Is the pain and suffering really worth it?) Some dudes wake up, but far too many don’t. Even though the facts remain the same.
Having a woman, even a fine one, will not enhance your life unless she is 100% supportive of your goals and respects your process. This is the best she can bring to the table and what distinguishes her from the “other” women you want to have sex with, that offers nothing of substance for the long haul.
Those hot girls you thirst for don’t care about sex, or fall in love; even if they say you lay it down “good” on them. (E.g. do hos fall in love with tricks?) They’re used to running through dudes and having them cry and beg for their attention.
You’re just a number to them and they’ll gas you up about what a great lover you are until they don’t need you anymore (the breakup) or put you on the back burner while they check out another dude with possibly more potential. If it doesn’t work out, she’ll double back claiming a change of heart and how she’s all into you. (Don’t you believe it!)
Sexualized women are about getting theirs. They’re entitled and used to getting their way. So you need to be uncompromising about reaching your goals. Your frame must be rock solid. Nothing should stand in your way, especially a female.
Conversely, if a woman’s willing to work with you, and she’s been properly vetted, keep her. She’s rare.
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