Most guys are easily persuaded.
It doesn’t take much for the average man to yield; especially for employment or getting with a woman to satisfy his basic needs.
Face it, most dudes aren’t very complicated.
Because complacency and submission have been programmed into almost every man alive! We’re taught from an early age to defer to our “betters,” (e.g. women).
This reality has produced generations of men who are more comfortable following the lead of others rather than asserting themselves, which for most men produces inner turmoil and social chaos.
Man’s natural role is to lead. I don’t want to recount prehistoric social dynamics, but the facts are clear, men are designed to protect and provide for women and their offspring.
It’s always been men who have aggressively pushed the envelope for advancement and survival.
Whether it’s confronting nature or hostile tribes, men have always stepped-up and been the defenders, oftentimes making the ultimate sacrifice.
But this image of men, once taken for granted, is slowly disappearing in our social rearview mirror.
Today, social constraints and cultural compliance are making men indistinguishable from women.
The dumbing down of manhood is a hard truth for old-schoolers like me to swallow. However, facts are undeniable.
Contemporary men are deferential, weak, and lack self-control.
It’s rare to find a man with an unshakeable mental frame. All I see are men begging and yielding. They’re caught up in this impossible struggle to “make good” or be “somebody.” Which are code words for approval seeking.
With the feminization process firmly in place, men seek to get their needs met the way women do (emotionally), while oblivious to the mental toll this approach takes.
But there’s a solution. It’s simple. Self-control is power.
How does it look?
It can mean walking away from a high-paying job, to start your own business, our checking/cutting off a fine woman that doesn’t respect your authority.
Whatever the circumstances, being needy is not an option.
I don’t mean that in a limited macho way. That’s too easy.
I’m talking about real mental and emotional strength, using your intelligence to resolve issues, while being self-reliant. It comes down to sitting with what is, keeping your focus on the point, and seeking nothing else.
If a man can hold his weight, nothing can break him.
But if he lacks resolve, the weight of the world will be his burden.
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