Stop Trippin’ On Human Nature

We’ve all been there, chasing a woman because of her looks.
We didn’t care about her ability to move our ambitions forward. Her body was enough to get us twisted. Hell, given a little attention we were sprung.
For most guys this dynamic is normal and unquestioned. Men are supposed to run after women, especially if they’re high value.
But let’s step back and look at what’s really happening.
Ask yourself, when you see a fine woman and get all excited, what’re you actually attracted to?
Yeah sure, a young babe will get you turned up. But relax, it’s biological. That’s how reproduction works. It’s part of the birth and death cycle, and what being human is all about.
When you’re hounding a woman, feeling like you’re a player and your game is tight, you’re actually following an intricately crafted script ingrained in your DNA and social programming.
There’s nothing original about pursuing women for sex. However, the simp and tough guy (because they’re emotional) are easily manipulated by what happens naturally. In fact, slick women are laying for thirsty men and are empowered when guys are willing to sell their soul for some tail.
Some men are literally working themselves to death trying to live up to a self-destructive notion of (expendable) provider just to get a woman and keep her happy. It’ll never work. Why? Because women don’t know what they want and therefore can’t be satisfied.
Your only hope is to understand what hustlers have always known. In order to effectively deal with women you must become mentally fluid. You can’t cling hard to anything (other than moving your agenda forward) because your very desires can, and will, be used against you.
Women are masters at pinpointing a dude’s weaknesses. This is part of their survival instinct. They’ve got to know how you move in order to assess your potential for meeting their needs. Once they discern your value you will be utilized (or not) accordingly.
If you want to deal with women effectively, assert your goals, control your desires and don’t idolize them.
Or, if you’re really smart, leave them alone.
Peace of mind beats a broken heart any day.
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