Many of us have suffered in relationships before we learned game. But unfortunately, most guys never overcome their need for female approval.
They don’t understand how destructive appeasing women is to their self-esteem. Even though divorce courts, graveyards and prisons bear witness to the results.
No person or thing can give you a sense of self – nothing! You must cultivate your identity from within. This is the only way to claim your masculine birthright.
Alas, too many men lack the requisite belief in themselves to achieve full manhood.
They’re comfortable suppressing their needs and eagerly cater to the desires of women.
This is the essence of a simp, who naively believes there’s an endgame payoff for supplicating to women, especially the “good girl” he’s infatuated with.
That is, until he discovers the heart-wrenching truth (she was only using him) and takes simping to nihilistic levels of insanity (e.g. murder, suicide and murder-suicide).
Media outlets tell the story on a daily basis, but no one has put simping to lyrics better than Lenny Williams.
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