The way most guys chase women, you’d think they had magic powers.
If you’ve observed females, you know this isn’t the case. In fact, most are looking for the leadership that masculine men provide.
Women need a firm hand to guide them and clear goals. This inspires respect and satisfaction.
A thirsty man gives away his power. He believes females have higher value, that their wants and needs are a priority. From the jump, a perceptive babe will spot this dude’s weak frame, twisting his head with mind games.
This behavior occurs no matter what label you put on a relationship; men idolize and women are in control.
But why?
If you’ve had relationships, you know dealing with women didn’t elevate you, no matter how fine she was. After the romantic “high” wore off, you still had to work for whatever you earned (even twice as hard because you had to take care of her needs too).
And what did you gain in the areas that matter (i.e., health, finance, business, and career)? Very little, I’m certain.
There’s a rare breed of guy that’ll put women to work. He knows exactly what he wants and deals with females on the same page.
This approach is a win for everyone. Even if the relationship ends, everybody leaves with something, except wasted time.

The average dude is needy. He’s fixated on sex and believes a female’s approval is the answer to his problems. Therefore, he struggles with women.
A dime piece can’t give you ambition: no matter how sprung you are, her charms only boosts your status among broke dudes.
No serious cat would put a woman over his goals. There’s no payoff.
When a female breaks up with you, the truth comes out. It’s always about you not doing enough, or being what she wants. Flip the scenario to get clarity. Would she dump you if she thought you were blowing up? Hell no.
You fell off by putting her on a pedestal, and she was biding her time, using you as a placeholder until the next man came along. Once she solidified that relationship, you were out.
However, there’s a way around female domination. But you must be a man to make it happen.
Focus on your goals and don’t worry about what other people are doing, especially women.
If you’re dedicated to your purpose, and getting results, females will come after you shifting the relationship dynamic to your favor.
Then you can select women that’re right for you, not chase females because you’re desperate.
Free your mind and boost your ambition, because women can’t save you.
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